Posted by Nze in news on april 29, 2015
An Ake, Abeokuta Customary Court yesterday dissolved the marriage between Mr. Femi Olayiwola and wife of three years, Kemi following complaints by the husband that his wife did not have a vagina.
Olayiwola had also told the court’s President, Mr. Olalekan Akande that his wife who had also deceived him into marrying her, was also involved in frequent fighting with him.
According to Olayiwola, his wife, Kemi deceived him into marrying her when she was fully aware of her abnormal condition that she had no vaginal opening and so could not bear him a child.
He told the court that since they got married he had not seen his wife observe her monthly menstrual period and whenever he asked her for sex, she would refuse and rather give him an excuse.
The complainant further accused his wife, who did not appear in court in spite of several summons, of living a“fake”lifestyle, engaging in frequent fighting and threatening his life.
Olayiwola added that his wife only confessed about her abnormal condition to him early this year and that he to visit her parents to confirm her disclosure. He told the court that,“My wife had been deceiving me. Since we got married, I have never seen her pass through menstruation. My wife does not have any vaginal opening. Anytime I ask her for sex, she would give an excuse to back up her refusal.
“Meanwhile, we have been praying to God to give us children. My wife did not tell me anything about her condition before we got married, until February this year when she confessed to me that she had never experienced menstruation in her life.
“I thought she was lying, so I went to see her parents who told me it was true, and that they thought their daughter explained to me before we got married.” Olayiwola therefore pleaded with the court to dissolve their three-year-old marriage, which he said had failed to“yield any fruits”.
The President of the Customary Court, Akande who therefore dissolved the marriage noted that the couple had concluded plans to go their separate ways.
He stated that having dissolved the marriage, either of the couple was free to remarry any person of their choice. The court’s president also ordered that the notice of the dissolution of the marriage between the couple dissolution should be sent to kemi who had refused to appear in court inspite of several summons.